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Although not all secret societies are of a religious nature, most have some sort of ritualistic practices similar to religious rituals.
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Secret society A secret society is a social Organization that requires its members to conceal certain activities from outsiders. Members may be required to conceal or deny their membership, and are often sworn to hold the society's secrets by an oath. The term "secret society" is often used to describe mythical organizations described in Conspiracy theories as immensely powerful, with self-serving financial or political agendas, global reach, and often satanic beliefs.

Historically, secret societies are often the subject of suspicion and speculation from non-members, and as such have aroused nervousness from outsiders since at least the time of the ancient Greeks. Some secret organizations exploit secrecy as a means to further political or criminal agendas.

List of secret societies

Fraternal organizations



Historical secret societies

Revolutionary or underground organizations

Alleged secret societies

(Either existence, or secret society status, is subject to significant doubt)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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