Catholic Patron Saints Who To Pray To For Your Specific
Needs Patron Saints are chosen as
special protectors or guardians over areas of life. These areas can include occupations, illnesses, churches, countries, causes
-- anything that is important to us. The earliest records show that people and churches were named after apostles and martyrs
as early as the fourth century. Recently, the Popes have named Patron Saints but patrons can be chosen by other individuals
or groups as well. Patron Saints are often chosen today because an interest, talent, or event in their lives overlaps with
the special area. For example, Francis of Assisi loved nature and so he is Patron of Ecologists. Francis de Sales was a writer
and so he is Patron of Journalists and Writers. Clare of Assisi was named Patron of Television because one Christmas when
she was too ill to leave her bed she saw and heard Christmas Mass -- even though it was taking place miles away. Angels can
also be named as Patron Saints. A Patron Saint can help us when we follow the example of that Saint's life and when we ask
for that Saint's intercessory prayers to God.
Patron Saints by Assignment