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Archangel Raguel


(Raguil, Rasuil, Rufael, Suryan, Akrasiel -"Friend of God")

One of the 7 Archangels listed in the Enoch writings. Of the order of Principalities, Raguel is an angel of earth, a guard of the 2nd (or 4th) Heaven, and watching over the good behavior of his fellow angels. He "takes vengeance on the world of luminaries," which is interpreted to mean that, for cause, he brings other angels to account.

Raguel is also mentioned as being an angel of ice and snow, calling forth other angels during the Final Judgment to deal with the unpure.

**RAG (from RAGUEL) was responsible with sentencing or bringing to justice those who broke the laws. In ancient Babylonian "RAGUMU" was the suit brought against the defendant. Similarly in Hungarian "RAGA-lom" is the suit against the defendant. The "lom" is just a suffix of abstract concepts. In Sumerian the RIG word, which is the source of RAGUEL, simply meant to talk or speech, with which a case is typically presented to a council. Similarly REGE in Hungarian is a story given in speech like sing song fashion, like a saga. It is also related to the qualities of the voice (rikkan,rekedt). In old Hungarian the REGOS were the bards who sang or told stories of heroes and religion. The council of elders, and the subject of knowledge they represented in Sumerian is called TAN, just as in Hungarian and several other Ural-Altaian languages, including even Japanese. The decision which they brought forward, based on deliberation by a judge, is called BAR in Sumerian as it is in Hungarian BIRO=judge. The word is also found in a close eastern relative of the Hungarian language, the Chuvash, as BAR. The word was also adopted into English, through the influence of the Huns. Even the remnant of the early Akkadian-Babylonian word for lawyer UGIDU is found in modern Hungarian Ugyved.

**The Legends of the Garden of Eden and The Angels - Alfred Hamori

Copyright 1995, Alfred Hamori, all rights reserved

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