Esotericists have long recognized that all is energy. A
short introduction to the varieties of energies which pour through each of us, and also saturate the international environment,
for good or ill.
In its essence, esotericism is the art of consciously recognizing that all existence, manifested
in its myriad variations of form and quality, is fundamentally based on energy. Not only are all forms of creation composed
of energy, but every form of activity also arises from streams of energy activated by that all-encompassing law of nature
the Law of Cause and Effect. The function of the esotericist is to take cognisance of these energies and, as far as his mental
and spiritual evolution allows, to learn how these energies may best be guided and controlled to the maximum advantage of
humanity, thus implementing the precepts of the Divine Plan. In the early stages of his conscious development as an esotericist,
the aspirant will only be aware of a limited range of these energies impinging on his system, but with growing sensitivity
the observed range will increase, thus progressively expanding his consciousness and consequently his capacities for effective
service. The beginner will at first be lost in a maze of interlocking and interacting energies. In due course he will, however,
begin to distinguish between:
- Purely physical energy, consisting of energy and forces which have been transmuted and
engendered in his physical system.
Emotional forces and mental powers evoked by energies focused through the etheric body
to these two planes.
The impelling energies sent forth by the soul and therefore emanating from the higher mental
and spiritual levels.
The esotericist must also learn to recognize the energies which determine the nature of
his environment. He must come to the realization that all happenings and circumstances, and every physical manifestation of
whatever nature, are but the symbols or reflections of events and activities occurring within the etheric worlds. These inner
realms are the worlds of reality, and it is the task of the esotericist to penetrate the separating veils, to familiarize
himself with the newly discovered conditions, and then to qualify himself for fresh fields of activity. The field of esoteric
study should not remain limited to considering only those energies which are directly affecting the individual or his immediate
environment. It will be of even greater significance to consider the more comprehensive energies affecting national and international
politics and world events.
Each disciple should endeavour to understand the nature of these forces, enabling him to
contribute his part, whether large or small, towards promoting favourable world conditions. It should always be kept in mind
that all creation is but spirit in manifestation, and therefore every form of energy, whether it concerns the individual,
the group or the nation, and whether in the field of religion, science, economics or of a political nature, has its spiritual
aspect, and stands to gain by correct spiritual approach. Thus, wars are, for example, caused by energies which have accumulated
until a point of saturation is reached, and these pent up forces are then both literally and figuratively released explosively.
The time will come when it will be possible to determine the incentive esoteric causes of such wars, thus enabling them to
be avoided or eliminated.
Esotericism therefore concerns itself with the many energies of the soul, and aims towards
free access to and functioning in the subjective worlds. It serves as the mediating principle between life and substance,
but is oriented to the spiritual rather than to the physical aspects. To attain these ideals, the disciple must have a reasonably
well developed intelligence, and must definitely be mentally oriented, because it is essential that, while contacting and
moving amongst these inner realities, he should be able to draw his own logical conclusions and arrive at a clear understanding
of that which his consciousness may register.
Increased light, leading to illumination, is the inevitable result of all true esoteric
activity, and under the guidance of the soul, this in turn intensifies the inherent light of all substance brought under the
influence of the work. The soul-infused and dedicated esoteric student may therefore continue on his chosen way with confidence,
and with the knowledge that as he proceeds, overcoming all obstacles on his ascending path, this path will be irradiated by
ever brighter light. And as each disciple, through his own efforts, is endowed with greater light, it will become part of
his responsibility to develop into a light-bearer in his own right, dispersing this light amongst his fellow men who, although
still largely unknowingly, are yearning for this light to brighten the darkness by which they are surrounded.
Excerpted from the book Bridges by Aart Jurriaanse, ISBN 3-929345-11-0, further info: